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Sariba is a Cat NPC associated with the Sariba's Portal group. Sariba is available to receive pets, but cannot accept a Pet treat.


The NPC stands in front of the portal to Kasa.



When you speak to Sariba the first time Oh my, what have we here? A dandelion drifting on the breeze deep into the forest. Walking along paths seldom tread by honest folk. You'd best not wake our sleeping friend, I doubt he'd take kindly to you discovering his gate. But do not let little Sariba's words affright your tender heart, we are not one for gossip and shan't inform him of your trespass. could even walk through his gate. Sariba might yet remain your confidant...
When you speak to Sariba the second time Are you pondering what lies beyond? Sariba would be remiss if she revealed the sleeping smuggler's secret prematurely. But best decide quickly Dandelion, underhanded magics are known to be fickle things. Not all too dissimilar to cats.

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When holding the Flute of the Charmer My oh my that is a marvelous instrument youa re carrying, my little Dandelion. It would be an almost perverse act to let one's lifewind traverse through such a thing. But there aren't enough melodies on the winds these days. Keep a tight hold of your profane prize, that is Sariba's advice.