Crossings Rail Warden

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Crossings Rail Warden.png

Will you let me try the mettle of your self defence, Wanderer?

The Crossings Rail Warden walks along the railroad tracks in Crossings. They are a Duelist and also sell some basic combat items and skills.


  • Crossings Walking along the railroad tracks at any time of day.


For Sale


When you speak to the Crossings Rail Warden for the first time. If you choose to arm also shoulder the burden of using your weapon to aid your fellows...should the need arise. Now draw, and show me how you handle yourself! I promise I'll go easy on you.

Walk By Dialogue

When you lose a duel with the Crossings Rail Warden Take note: If you are slow to attack, your enemy can beat you to the strike.
When you win a duel with the Crossings Rail Warden Take note: Quick attacks are more likely to miss.