Crafters' Union Administrator

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."

The Crafters' Union Administrator discusses the history of their Union.


  • Crafters' Union Administrator

Crafters' Union Administrator Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to the Crafters' Union Administrator Curious things, you Khelims... Did you know that many generations ago there was a self ordained caste of travelling master crafters that the villagers named 'Khelims'? These 'Dandelions' served with their crafting skills, going from place to place leading the work of various construcction projects and such. The Khelim's gradually disappeared when the towns and cities grew and the Councils formed at the beginning of the Halzhaan period... ...Only to reappear now, as if walking straight out of legend. Curious, no?
When you speak to the Crafters' Union Administrator a second time I was wondering if you might have any speculations as to why you Khelims began arriving on our shores at almost exactly the same time as the Kasa incident happened? I have read in some Union correspondence from the North that The Coroners are quite interested in the recent Khelim phenomenon.. I would not be surprised if you were summoned for questioning if you came across The Coroners or their Wardens.