Ardent Lantern

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Skill W Ardent La,p Medium.png

When you unbind Ardent Lantern, long strands of light shoot out from you in a pinwheel, swiftly moving outward. From the strands moving downwards towards the ground, the Ardent Lantern rises up to hover near you. The narration reads "You feel the effect of the Ardent Lantern." When the knot duration is reached or you cancel the effect early, the narration reads "The effect of the Ardent Lantern fades."

Item Description

Unbinding this Knot will conjure up a warm friendly lantern that will follow the knot-binder around and lights your way.

Learnt Skill Description

This spell summons a hovering lantern that follows you and lights your way.

Status Effect Description

A Light follows you.


Similar Skills

All lanterns will grant a similar ability, but there are too many to discuss here. Unlike any off-hand lantern, Ardent Lantern is a weaker source of light that follows the player at a short distance.

For similar skills that cast light: Illuminating Skills