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Legend has it that the crew was transporting an ancient stone coffin that has been found during a treasure hunting expedition on some uncharted island. It is believed that remains of the shipwreck still can be found somewhere on the Char Cape Coast.

The wreckage of the fabled WaveJinn sea vessel from The Age of Dynasty. The ship went down with all hands while carrying a mysterious ancient coffin. There were no known survivors of the wreckage, leaving only the remnants of the survivor's Shades at Alken Rock Coast. The events that led to the WaveJinn's demise are regularly recounted and performed in the play "The Fate of the WaveJinn." in Western Harvest Route.


Shipwreck Shades


"The old wreck of a frigate grinds against the rocks with each push of the waves. A word on the ship's rotting name sign is still legible: 'WaveJinn'"

"A large seaweed-encrusted coffin lies upended at the bottom of the wreck. The remains of what appears to be seals of some corroded metal lies snapped about the casket."

