Treasure Seeking Teenagers

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Treasure Seeking Teenagers is an event that occurs randomly in the Arch of the Night Trader in Crescent Link.

The Sword-wielding Youth is available for dueling.


Thrill-seeking Teenager Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you talk to the Thrill-seeking Teenager the first time Oh hello, Sehm...I can practically smell the treasure. I just have to keep looking...
When you talk to the Thrill-seeking Teenager the second time Hey, Traveller... We've seen fights between pirates and combined groups of Bandits and smugglers...It's a spectacle to behold...Their fights become fiercer every time...The pirates and smugglers don't take much notice of us. We are pretty good at hiding and quick runners...We are just very careful if there are Tabac toes around.

Treasure-seeking Teenager

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Treasure-Seeking Teenager the first time Hello, Wanderer! Did you know that there were Bandits and smugglers here before? Sometimes there are pirates here too...
When you speak to the Treasure-Seeking Teenager the first time We've seen Pirate ships anchored just beyond the pier a few times...But we always run off before they arrive in their jollyboats.

Sword-wielding Teenager Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you talk to the Sword-wielding Teenager the first time I found this neat Pirate crescent! Come on, Wanderer! I challenge you!
When you talk to the Sword-wielding Teenager the second time Let's see what you got! Come on, Khelim! Draw!

Walk By Dialogue

What was that?
What if the Bandits or Pirates come back?
Find anything good?!
They'll never believe us back home!
Let's get out of here!
Someone's coming! I know it!
Let's never tell our parents about this!
When you win a duel with the Sword-wielding Teenager Naw...The crescent I found is rubbish! Very poorly balanced actually...
