The Diminiad

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Act 1

Scene 3

"The symbols of comfort I gift to thee, yet those of pleasant make you have yet to earn from me." [1]

Act 2

Scene 3

The Warrior Camp

Dimin stands approaches the towering Two-Faced warrior in their camp.

The Right-Face Warrior: "It is very dangerous to come into a big camp when you are so small. I do not wish to see you harmed."

The Left-Face Warrior: "It was foolish to come into my deadly camp when you are so puny. I could squash you beneath my heel."

Dimin: "Your faces are maligned, Warrior. One seeks to protect me, the other to kill me. Right-face, if you truly do not seek me harm, then you must protect me from your other half." [2]

Act 3

Act 4

Scene 3

The Mine Master's Cave

Dimin and their gathered omin workers enter the cave and see the Mine Master ahead, asleep with a bowl of honeyed eggs on his table.

Mimin: "Let us take the eggs and run. We are so hungry, and they would feed us for a week!"

Dimin: "At the end of that week you would all be hungry again. Let us take his chicken instead. We may stay hungry a while longer but after that we will no longer need to steal." [3]

Scene 5

The Edge of the Forest

Dimin and their gathered omin workers flee towards the forest but are stopped by the wicked Metal Construct.

Mimin: "Attack its face and it will surely surrender!"

Dimin: Shakes their head.

Dimin: "If we attack its face it will surely eat us. Attack its feet and it will not be able to chase us through the forest." [4]

Scene 7

The Forest Ablaze

Dimin and their gathered omin workers run through the forest fire.

Mimin: "Stay together! The smoke is thick and threatens to make us lose sight of one another."

Dimin: "It is better if we split up. A large group of omin are easy to see, but an omin alone will be invisible in the smoke. We all know our destination and we will meet there." [5]

Act 5

Scene 2

West Wind Coast

Dimin stands solemly next to a pile of driftwood, a pyre to their departed friend Mimin. Before they can light the pyre, a wind picks up the wood and twists them into a menacing kettem.

Kettem: "Was your struggle worth it? If you had not fought those stronger than you, then your friend would still draw breath."

Dimin: "That is something which I must ponder, though I fear that I shall never have an answer. My friend lies dead, yet I can already see the smiles of omin who can now know a free future. It may not salve my heart, but my heart is not the only one on this shore." [6]
