Sword Dealer

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Hail, Traveller! Looking for that special blade? Look no further!


  • The Sword Dealer sits in their shop, day and night.



Using Hagglers Wit

This merchant is interested in Master-iron and Jewellery.

For Sale


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Sword Dealer for the first time I have a fresh stock of solid quality crescents! I have a keen eye and import from all over Braided Shore and beyond. My weapons are in extra high demand these days… with the trouble brewing between the local Smugglers… and the cove Pirates trying to move in on their business. If you are in a mind to buy, let's stop talking and get to it! If not, lend me your ear instead…
When you speak to the Sword Dealer for the second time Between you and me, I'm more of a blade collector than a Trader… I sell Warden-quality weapons, yes… But my true calling is collecting unique blades. Should you come across unique-bladed weapons on your journey, please bring it to my attention.


Despite their dialogue, the Sword Dealer currently does not react to any sword no matter how unique.