Speed of the Clear Nights

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Skill S Speed of the Clear Nights Medium.png

Speed of the Clear Nights is a passive skill. Once the skill is memorized, it takes effect automatically until the skill is unmemorized. The skill will also automatically level as you continue to play the game. When it takes effect, you will often see a sentence "You feel the effect of Speed of the Clear Nights appear at the bottom of the screen and when you unmemorize the skill, you will see the sentence "The effect of Speed of the Clear Nights fades." Or you will see a status effect appear in the upper lefthand corner of your screen.

This passive skill will automatically take effect when it is night and it is not raining.

Item Description

Theses are a physicians study notes, containing details about how the twilight appears to effects certain people in mysterious ways. Failing in completely explaining the unexplainable, the student of this text is still very likely to be able to drastically lower their Stamina drain during dusk or dawn.

Learnt Skill Description

A cloudless sky always inspires you. Your Stamina lasts longer on clear nights.

Status Effect Description

Your Stamina drains slower on Clear Nights.


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