Setilli Baht Oscon

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"You may call me Setilli Baht Oscon and I am here to tell you, and hopefully trade you, this wonderful new-ish product!"

Setilli Baht Oscon

By the Myr ferry pier in Bat Saha


Using Hagglers Wit

You can't figure out what particular items this individual values.

For Sale


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to them the first time Khelim? Are you a Khelim? Huzzah! I've been looking for one of you folk for quite some time!

You may call me Setilli Baht Oscon and I am here to tell you, and hopefully trade you, this wonderful new-ish product!

I present what we call paper. Have you heard of it? It is a wonderfully useful material for all manner of sketching or drawing or... well that's all I can think of at the moment!

By industrializing a revolutionary technique passed down in the northern villages we can now harness the very same material said to have been used by the Elders themselves!


Truth be told it has been rather difficult convincing folk to buy paper.

I was beginning to lose hope. But then I heard tell of you Khelims walking around with those journals of yours! They would be perfectly suitable for paper wouldn't you say?

If you speak to them again Are you in need of more journal space? It would be perfectly suitable for paper, wouldn't you say?