Old Sailor

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NPC old sailor.png

The Old Sailor appears sitting or standing in Alken Rock Coast during the day. They can be found on the peninsula between Oma and Omi on the tip closest to Ibis Cape.


When you speak to the Old Sailor the first time. Slow it down there, wanderer. Steer clear of the water. It ain't safe, y'see. Full of...unspeakable horrors. All of which pales in comparison to the apex predator of the sea: The Daku-Beast!!! Be at ease, friend. For I have it on good authority that they only appear at night when the moon is full. The villagers call me crazy, and say there's no such thing, because no one has laid eyes on one. Bah! They'll all see, one day. They'll wander too close to the shore on a moonlit night and...CHOMP! Daku-Beast! But should you wander near the water on a night like that, be very careful. A single bite from a Daku-Beast will turn you into one of them.
When you speak to the Old Sailor the second time Back again? Stay away from the waters, friend. No good can come of it.