Musical score knot message

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 12 Medium.png

The Musical score knot message is a series of knots that have different descriptions under the same name.
As of Chapter Zero, The Journey Begins, 5 different knots have been found.


Item Descriptions

What could I tell

your husband?
What could you tell my wife?

We've been gone
for far too long

to return to our old lives

The Lover's Lament

Of many endings is this season
the sun now hurries to its rest
to sleep below a cinnabar horizon

Crops and wool and fire wood
as we prepare our winter nest
Pray your harvest has been good

The Song of Autumn

My bandit's life
is fast and free
My fancies snatched
from whoever may be

Should warden's eye
be on its watch
I slip away
too quick to catch

But faster thief
then me was she
The maiden fair
of Vulta's retreat

Before a chance
I had to flee
She stole the very heart
from me

But a dream
my bandit's life
with kids abound
most sternful wife

My bandit's life
was fast and free
My fancies snatched
from whoever may be

The Bandit's Lament


How come the Winds
still whisper in the glade?
How come the sun
still owns its former glory?

Home comes the birds
still sing their evening serenades?
Don't they know you've taken flight?

Who still dresses clouds
in silver linings?
Why is there no veil
across the moon?

How come the night-sky diamonds
keep on shining?
Who keeps
setting them alight?

The Wanderer's Song

Was I a sailor

...a pearl of deep-sea beauty
A woodsman
...the rarest forest rose
A farmer
...the finest steed I'd for you choose
But I'm a simple warden
...nothing such I have for you

Was I a merchant
...the finest dress of Kasa silk
A mystic
...a cup to keep you ever young
A minstrel
...thy name forever sung

But I'm a simple warden such gifts have I for you

But should you join me
through life's garden
You'll have a steady arm to lean on to

For I am but a simple warden is my gift for you

The Warden Suitor