Milomak Worker

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."


All three NPCs have the same name, they will be differentiated as such:

  1. Appreciative Milomak Worker
  2. Judgmental Milomak Worker
  3. Retrospective Milomak Worker


  • They can be found in Crossings at the south side of Under the Tree Tavern at night.


The workers work for the Milomak twins, a talented duo who has continued their parent's legacy in weaving. With their influence, the Tavern will always give a free cup of tea for their workers at the night.

Appreciative Milomak Worker

"Hello again, Nomad. It's good to enjoy the night breeze at Teahouse after a day of dust and steam in the weavery. Every worker gets their first cup of the evening for free here at Under the Tree. Courtesy of the Milomaks. A damned decent gesture by our employers, you must agree. It allows even the most poorest to not miss out on socialising with their colleagues after the day is done..."

Judgmental Milomak Worker

looks at you up and down "I'm not sure if I buy into all that good will and glory about the Milomaks that the others are spouting... Sure, I can enjoy a free cup much as the next fellow... But I feel there is something off about those twins, especially the girl... Why is a woman like that not married yet, for starters? I heard that they have Malku blood running through their veins. Naw... Something isn't right... I just know it."

Retrospective Milomak Worker

"Good evening, Wanderer. We work in the weavery, don't you know... I know the kids pretty well, the Milomak children... I used to work the cloth mill for their parents... I must say the youngsters have managed their inheritance well. The weavery has never been as productive as it is now... Their parents would be proud of them today if they were still alive."


The Retrospective Milomak Worker states that both Milomak parents are dead, but Seria Milomak, their mother, appears in the game, but mentions watching her children from a distance. Whether this indicates that many people in Crossings believe her to be dead or this was simply a misunderstanding by one character or a typo in the game is unclear.