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The Labourer is part of the Visiting Jesems event. THey appear near the Jesem Lodge in Charwood Forest


The Labourer will appear by a fireplace in the Jesem Lodge during the event.



You can trade the Labourer a children's toy for one Foreign Jade cake.


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with the Labourer the first time. Be welcome, stranger...Just to think, my grandparents offering Tea to wanderers here, as once my great grandparents did when this house was not in ruins...I hope you have paid no attention to the rumours about this place being haunted...Silly stories about the spirits of our great grandparents living on as ghosts...We come here often and we have seen nothing to substantiate such lies!
When you speak with the Labourer the second time. I'm confident I've packed enough food for our stay...I only wish we had some toys for the children... With nothing to play with, we find it hard to keep them from staying close to the house...If you have a toy to trade, I made some fresh pies before we set out...I would be happy to trade with you, if you have a mind?

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you complete the exchange Oh, what a charming little thing! The children will adore this toy!


Interestingly, the Labourer, like the Cultivated Labourer refers to the Lingering Jesems as their ancestors. This suggests two scenarios, either the Cultivated Labourer and the Labourer are not parents of the two Charwood Forest Playful children and instead this is an extended family picnic or the Jesems have intermarried with one another.

The Labourer's comments also date the events of the Lingering Jesems as being from at least four generations ago. Whether The Cloud's appearance was different four generations ago is not known at this time.