Cultivated Labourer

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The Cultivated Labourer is one of the NPCs associated with the Visiting Jesems group.


The NPC sits around a fire in Jesem Lodge in Charwood Forest.



The Cultivated Labourer is the child of the Old lady and the father of the Charwood Forest Playful Child. He reveals that he has four children. The two Playful Children and two more who did not want to come.

While the Jesem family used to be powerful and respected as a leading Merchant's Union family, he is now a member of the Hand's Union. This does not bother him. But passing on the Jesems' unusual heritage is important to him.

When you speak to the Cultivated Labourer the first time Welcome, Khelim. We were just about to have some Tea. Won't you please join us...? Have you seen our children about? You might find it odd a Crossings' family camped in this old house... Truth is, this house used to belong to our family once. Many seasons ago, the house of Jesem was quite a bit less humble than it is today. Two Merchant Union leaders have come and gone among my ancestors...We have since joined with the Hands Union, doing good honest work in Crossings.
When you speak to the Cultivated Labourer the second time We are not fortunate enough to have more than one of the older generation of the family still with us...So me and my wife bring our children here to give them a connection to their ancestors...For ourselves, the solitude gives us space and peace enough for our own prayers...I regret that our two eldest children have refused to accompany us these last seasons...Too busy with their friends it seems...