Hands' Union Group

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Hands Union Group.png

Ancestors blessing, Khelim!

This is a group from the Hand's Union. The Hand's Union Official leads the group and discusses the philosophy and work of the Union.


  • Hands' Union Official
  • x2 Hands' Union Member

Hands' Union Official Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Hands' Union Official If your feet ever need a breather Khelim, why not lend your strength to the Hand's Union?

The Hand's Union is the backbone of all worthwhile works in Braided Shore.
There is beauty and truth in the purity of strength, and the determination of shouldering your fellows' burdens.
This is what lies at the heart of the Hands Union's calling.

Hands' Union Member

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Hands' Union Member I never dream of reaching my goal.
I work towards it.
Craftmanship is the true home of the heart!
Work is one thing
progress another.
There are no secrets to success, only the obvious
Shortage of labour is shortage of ambition