Glinted Lamp

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Skill W Glinted Lamp Medium.png

Unbinding this Knot and selecting a point on the ground will cause a glowing line to travel between the air above the player character and the point on the ground. A glowing lantern on a post which looks the same as the icon of the skill card, and is roughly the height of the player character, will appear.

The body of the lamp post will appear faint and translucent, similar to the visual effect of ghosts.

The lamp post can be used as a light source for a small area around the fixed point.

The lamp post will disappear after a few minutes.

Item Description

Pulling open this Knot conjures a magic lamp post that illuminates the area for a few moments.

Learnt Skill Description

This spell conjures up a mystical lamp post that illuminates an area for some time.


Similar Skills

All lanterns will grant a similar ability, but there are too many to discuss here. Unlike any off-hand lantern, Glimm is a weaker source of light that follows the player at a short distance. There are several similar skills that give similar effects, see Illuminating Skills


The same spot on the ground can be targeted multiple times, which will stack the visual effects but will not cause an area to become more illuminated.