Worried Oxen Keeper and Chewing Ox

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Worried Oxen Keeper.png


  • Worried Oxen Keeper
  • Ogul



Ogul will exchange 10 Oxtail tufts for 10 Pet treats.



The Worried Oxen Keeper has a very undiscriminating Chewing Ox, who eats many things that they probably shouldn't. They are both concerned and exasperated by this behaviour.

Worried Oxen Keeper Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Worried Oxen Keeper the first time Can you give me a hand, Sehm? My gluttonous oaf of an Ox has got something stuck between its teeth again...It eats anything that comes before it...Never was there an Ox like this! I always thought Oxen were herbivores...but this...THING, cares only to fill its belly!It refuses to move when it has something to chew on! I must get whatever it has stuck in its mouth out, but it's lodged too deep! I just can't get it out!Please will you try? Just reach in and pull whatever is stuck in there out!
When you speak to the Worried Oxen Keeper the second time What have I done to deserve a CREATURE like this?!

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak with the Worried Oxen Keeper after completing Ogul's endeavour Here, take these Furikum seeds...They might come in handy if ever you need to make a swift escape...Or, wind forbid you ever get dragged into the training schemes of "The Magic Arrows."
If you speak with the Worried Oxen Keeper again after completing Ogul's endeavour I have nothing more to say about the subject we discussed...Farewell, Wanderer...

Ogul Lore

*Sets a lazy eye on you, mindlessly content with chewing*


  • The ox's name is Ogul, which replaces the name Chewing Ox for the rest of the session after interacting with it.