Bridge Warden

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Bridge Warden.png

There are several NPCs named Bridge Warden.

  1. by the bridge to the Residential District referred to as the Residential Bridge Warden
  2. by the Sylla bridge, known as the Sylla Bridge Warden

Residential Bridge Warden

Residential Bridge Warden Behavior

The Bridge Warden stands outside of the bridge to the Residential District of Kasa day or night.

Residential Bridge Warden Locations

  • Kasa by the bridge to the Residential District.

Residential Bridge Warden Exchanges

If you are wearing Band of the Sleepers they then give you Sleeper's guard.

Residential Bridge Warden Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
If you speak to the Residential Bridge Warden for the first time I'm sorry Khelim...I can't let you into the Residential district. Anyone found in Old Town can't cross the bridge west and vice versa. If you're hungry you can talk to the Wardens up north by Sylla's bridge. The Council doesn't want anyone starving due to the lockdown.
If you speak to the Residential Bridge Warden for the second time I'm sorry Khelim...I can't let you into the Residential district.

If you wear Band of the Sleepers you will get unique dialogue

The Warden eyes your ring Your actions have not gone unseen and shall not go unrewarded...A token from the one who slumbers.

Sylla Bridge Warden

Sylla Bridge Warden Behavior

They stand on Sylla Bridge in the Old Town Market district in Kasa day and night.

Sylla Bridge Warden Locations

  • Kasa by Sylla bridge

Sylla Bridge Warden Quests

The Sylla Bridge Warden is a potential conclusion of the Return Sik's stolen necklace quest.

Sylla Bridge Warden Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Speaking to the Sylla Bridge Warden for the first time Hold there. I didn't know that there were any Khelim in town...Sylla's Bridge is closed on The Coroner's orders. Kindly remain in the Old Town market until further notice. Further north lies the Council Pavillion, the Embassies and The Factory. These locations must remain isolated during the course of the investigation.
Speaking to the Sylla Bridge Warden for the second time Ilmana's Bridge is closed on The Coroners' orders. Kindly remain in the Old Town market until further notice.

|- | If you give them Sik's stolen necklace || Hmm? Looting? Well we can't have that. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I'll just pocket this necklace and begin an investigation immediately. Hehe...

