Botti Mad

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Ah! A Khelim!

Botti was a limited time NPC who gave you an anniversary gift as part of Book of Travel's 2nd year anniversary. Botti was added with the patch released on 31th Octobor 2023 and removed during server maintenance on 22th November 2023, a week longer than the two weeks stated in the steam update.

Whether or not they may return for future anniversaries is not known.


Botti, initially known as the Flower-picking Child, can be seen at any time of the day near the lamp post.



Botti Mad would give you Crown of travellers when you spoke to them.


Ah! A Khelim! My grandmother has told me many stories about the Khelim! And when we saw you folk start appearing here again we were so very excited! I think these flowers were too! I have played in this field a lot but I have never seen them bloom like this! I don't know how long I will be here. Me and my family are going to be moving around for a while. The south, the east, the north. I am excited to see it all! I hope you are too! But I am glad to have met you here, in this field of flowers. I wanted to make something to show how much we appreciate all you Khelim. Here. It's not much but please take it.


Their name is most likely a play of words, where the usual short form for Book of Travels is 'bot', and 'mad' for Might and Delight, hence Botti Mad.