Apprentice Knot Binder

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Apprentice Knot Binder.png

The Apprentice Knot Binder is a forgetful student who appears seated and confused along the road side. The Apprentice Knot Binder is almost always seated, making them difficult to see.



The Apprentice Knot Binder will ask you to pass a +2 Endeavour Symbol Esoterical.png check.



Speaking to Apprentice Knot Binder for the first time *nods at you in greeting* I don't mean to be rude, but I can't focus on socializing right now, Khelim. My master sent me out to solve the riddle of a certain magic Knot...And though she claims to have given me all the clues I need to work it out...I just can't figure the damned thing out!
Over, across, loop. No.

If you succeed at the Apprentice Knot Binder Endeavour Under, across, loop, over, across...Yes! Thanks to you! I'll never forget it! I hope...
If you fail at the Apprentice Knot Binder Endeavour Under, loop, over...Damn it! It's driving me insane!

Walk By Dialogue

If you fail the endeavour

Over, under, across...Nope.