Alsab rod called Pride
Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.
The subject of this page has been affected by a recent Game update and the way it functions in-game has changed.
Hm? He mentioned something that I was holding on to for him? Ah! It can only mean his rod. He asked me to hold on to his Alsab rod for him when he left the university. He always looked a bit pained when he held it, but I don't think he had it in him to throw it away either.
Junior Apprentice Kephi will reward Alsab rod called Pride for completing Fish Compendium
Junior Apprentice Kephi will give Alsab rod called Pride in exchange for Fish compendium draft
If you are trying to fish further away, a mini-game will appear. The mini-game screen contains a moving bar that indicates the line's area of effect. The goal of the fishing mini-game is to hit the green area, thus improving the chances of catching fish. If you click on the orange bar, the chances of catching the fish are reduced, and if you miss completely, the fish escapes.