Zeilin Baht Siram

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Zeilin Baht Siram.png


Zeilin Baht Siram appears near the Char Cape Passage entrance to Knalla Tunnel. They are initially known as the Shady Farm Keeper. Zeilin Baht Siram offers a lot of valuable information about some of the obstacles the working classes in the Braided Shore may encounter in seeking medical aid as well as the tradition of chicken divination practiced by some.


They are standing near a Mound of dirt and rubble, if you examine it, it says it is

Freshly disturbed

if you pass a +4 Endeavour Symbol Physical.png check, you receive Chicken carcass


Ah! By my wind fathers! Why do you sneak up on innocent people in dark tunnels?! What I am digging? What I am buryi-I mean. What I am digging is my business alone!

If you approach them with the Chicken carcass in your inventory, they react, saying

Gah! Keep away from me with that thing! There is a curse over that chicken, I tell you. If you knew its truth you would put that thing back where I buried it. It all started when my mother grew sick. I am many things but I am not a learned man when it comes to medicine! And have you seen what the scholarly types charge for their services? I'll be dust in the Winds before I trade them even so much as a knot of thanks! But then I remembered great-uncle Salta. Some said he was half Sefra with the way his predictions came true! He taught me a few things when I was just a tyke. Like how to do a poultry reading. You see, chickens have a special connection to both us Asken and the Winds. Them's got feathers but still walk the dirt! So when old farmer Yuvia's roof collapsed on the poor bastard I snatched up one of his chickens for a steal! Should've known then that the bird was bad luck. First I scryed in its feathers and seeds for what herb to give my mother, all in the manner that great-uncle taught me. I understood right away that I needed this cinnabar mushroom with marble spots, that would cure her right away! But it just went and made her worse didn't it?! I tried again with my bet on a game of passage to Filsa down the road but I ended up losing half the farm! I tried one more time on picking up a gift for my sweetheart but she refused to accept the centipede brooch I made for her! I knew then that the bird was cursed and I did what anyone would do. I snapped the things neck and buried it here far away from my homestead. Put that thing back in the soil if you know what's good for ya and let its bad luck seep down into the rock instead.