Lemonade Sellers

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Lemonade Sellers.png

Sweet leaves and ripe lemons!

The Lemonade Sellers event occurs in front of the Milomak Weavers, or on the Road North West, during the day in Crossings. It is the only opportunity to buy Lemonade.


  • Lemonade Mixer
  • Lemonade Seller
  • x1 non-interactable children NPCs

Lemonade Seller Inventory

Using Hagglers Wit

This child is interested in Apples, Pears, and Berries.

For Sale


Lemonade Mixer Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak to the Lemonade Mixer the first time I press the lemons and stir the mix...I'm too little to do the trading they say...
When you speak to the Lemonade Mixer the second time How much lemonade can you drink, Traveller? I bet you are not tough enough to drink four cups!

Walk By Dialogue

Lemonade! Come and buy!
Freshly squeezed and sugared!
The BEST EVER lemonade!


Even though it seems like something should happen if you drink four cups of lemonade, nothing does happen at the moment.