Knotted silver threaded cord writing

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Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 10 Cobalt Medium.png

You did well to find this message, dear relative. And what you came for, could become yours…
All you have to do, is to find the eight siblings of this message.
Once you have deduced their combined meaning, your inheritance can be yours to treasure.
That is to say, IF you are the first one to do so…
Judging from the behaviour of your greedy brothers, sisters, and cousins, I doubt they will be willing to share should they find my legacy before you do.
I have employed my servants to visit tea houses and wanderer's rests to plant the seeds of your future wealth.
Good luck now!

Your loving uncle, Nassef.


A key item for the Silver threaded Treasure Quest
