Knots on insect habits
I saw a glowing moth near the cabin in the forest. Something big was stomping around so I kept my distance.
I was...borrowing fruit from the markets when a little stick creature crawled onto my hand. It made me drop my haul and sent me running!
There's just this thing about shipwrecks that demands exploration! I found a slimy danger in one of them, I think it was eating the waterlogged rotting wood.
I was walking through a tea plantation, I love the smells! I think the shell with a snout likes it as well, it was relaxing on a leaf. Out of all the creepies I don't think I mind that one.
Ouch, I found this perfect old tower for a new clubhouse but when I reached the top something jumped down and landed on my head! Felt like it tore out half my scalp! No, I think I'll stay in the sewers for now.
This item gives you hints to progress the Bug catching quest but is not essential.
This knot can be obtained from Kuus in The Cistern, exchanging for 1 sweets.