Lingering Jesems

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The Lingering Jesems consist of ghosts from the Jesem family, replaying the emotions and thoughts that happened on that day before the tragedy.

They will sometimes appear at the Jesem Lodge at any day and any time in Charwood Forest.

Lingering Jesems is a Ghost and will not be visible or interactable to the player unless you have a means of Seeing the dead.


  1. The Cloud in the open field, playing Passage
  2. Old Gardener at the entrance to the Jesem residence
  3. Household Servant in the ruins of the Jesem house
  4. Lady Jesem in the ruins of the Jesem house
  5. Master Jesem in the open field, playing Passage
  6. Parislav Jesem roaming
  7. Ghost Cat roaming
  8. Aniah Jesem in the wreck of a fishing boat


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NPC Dialogue

Aniah Jesem Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Aniah Jesem No I'm not going to help you train the cat today, little brother! I'm not going near that house! Daddy's guest gives me the creeps...I'm just going to sit here and pretend to fish until he leaves...

Household Servant Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to the Household Servant Milady, I've not had a single call for refreshments for the Master and his strange quest. When the Master has his friends over for Passage, there is no end to the calls for Tea and snacks...I don't wish to alarm you, mistress, but I do find this highly irregular...

Lady Jesem Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Lady Jesem Children! I forbid you to enter the living room! Daddy is entertaining a guest in there today.

Master Jesem Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Master Jesem An impressive move, Sehm! I must say some of the cards in your hand are unfamiliar to me. Let's see how you counter my next move!

Parislav Jesem Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to Master Jesem Come on, Iba! Jump through the hoop! Why is it so difficult to train a cat to do tricks!?

Old Gardener Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you first speak to the Jesems' Old Gardener I know the roses should be pruned today...But I just can't get what happened the other day out of my mind...This young mystic just appeared out of thin air, right there in the vegetable garden. The mystic offered to sell me a bottle of vintage cider...He disappeared just as suddenly as he had materialised...I did buy a bottle. Perhaps we can serve it at her ladyship's birthday?

Master Jesem Walk By Dialogue

Let's see how you counter this card!
Your move, Sehm...
Well played!
Winds grant me luck!
Let me think...


The timing and placement of this event can sometimes overlap with the Bored Apprentices portion of the Journeyer Knot Binder Ritual, but these are distinct events.
