Hermit weevil

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ItemIcon Edible HermitWeevil Medium.png

Allow me to introduce another critter with an ingenious skill for survival. This is the hermit weevil, a naked one in particular as it has't chosen a shell just yet.

The hermit weevil has focusing on scavenging the discarded shell of other creatures. Some popular candidates are cicadas, snails or even pieces of bone from larger animals.
The hermit weevil goes through three distinct stages of its life after which it choses a new size. The hermit weeevil choses these shells with great care and will not part with it until it has outgrown them.
This is why finding a naked specimen is so rar-
Harni, why is your tea cup crawling away?

Transcript from a lecture by Menell, Professor of Zoology at Rivenleaf University



This item is necessary to progress the Bug catching quest.