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Skill S Glitterfall Medium.png

When you unbind Glitterfall, a small cloud of gold sparks puff out around you and a single spark of light shoots up into the air above you. One point keeps moving from left to right and right to left and sparks of light rain down upon the position where you unbound the knot. Eventually the sparks fall back to earth and the knot fades.

Item Description

Good luck on your poetic endeavours, dear child. As I have failed to dissuade you from endeavouring to learn a proper trade and keep your artistic pursuits as a hobby, please accept this small piece of your inheritance. Should your voice fail to grasp your audience at some critical moment, simply add this piece of your grandparents' magic to your performance.

Love, Mum

Learned Skill Description

With this spell, the knot-binder can set the air alight with a glamorous waterfall of sparkles.


Similar Skills

Fireworks is a similar skill that produces a different visual effect.