Flaring Crescent (Skill)

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Skill S Flaring Crescent Medium.png

This skill causes a Flaring Crescent to replace your main hand item. An effect card will appear and the sentence You feel the effect of Flaring Crescent will appear. When the status of Flaring Crescent is canceled, a sentence will read The effect of Flaring Crescent fades.

Item Description

When this knot is unbound a magical crescent appears eager and ready for use for one battle

Learnt Skill Description

Conjures a magical sword that can be used for one battle.

Status Effect Description

You wield a magical weapon.



Despite being a sword manifested by unbinding a knot, if your inventory is full when you unbind Flaring Crescent, the sentence "Flaring Crescent is not available because your inventory is full." will appear at the bottom of the screen.


There's a main hand sword named after this skill when it has been manifested by the energies of this skill.
