Droils of Osso

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The Droil Family are olive oil merchants who claim descent from Osso Droil and Aliea Droil the founders of Osso by the Canal. The Droils have a blunt and direct communication style. They dislike taxes and what they perceive to be excessive government overreach.

Their family crest seems to be an "ornate olive branch" and appears on Droil barrel and Hood of the Tax Evader


History of the Droils

The first settler of Osso by the Canal is said to have been a man by the name of Osso Droil. At the time, the area around the canal was a thick forest and almost impossible to traverse. Lost in the forest, Osso discovered a secret grove where the most succulent olives grew in the wild. Together with his wife Aliea Droil, the two cut down an area of the forest around the olive grove and established the first orchard of Osso.

Our olive field has been in our family for generations. Ever since the first Asken folk first were carried by Winds this far east, we have been here. On this land, we are rooted to the ground same as our olives. We've got oil in our blood so if some cityborn councils think that they can force us into paying them taxes, they clearly haven't met the Droil family.

Exen Droil IV, Pot of Osso olive oil

Reducing Tax Exposure

If you will allow me to be frank, Khelim. You are not looking your best today. Tired face, dry skin and I won't even mention your odour. But Khelim! Do not think me so rude as to point out your flaws without offering a solution. All of these symptoms point to a diet severely lacking in the nectar blessed by the Sefra themselves. I'm talking about olive oil of course. My family, the proud Droils of Osso, have been growing olives since us Asken first settled the Shore. Sell you oil? I'm afraid I cannot. The taxes that the Councils have placed on our stock would threaten to bankrupt our noble family. A tragedy the entire Shore would mourn. What I can do is to let you trade for a coupon knot which can be given to my younger brother in exchange for a free sample. And since taxes on knots are much lower than those on oil..I'm sure you catch my drift. We also have raw produce if that tickles your fancy.

Send any more tax collectors around here and I'll curse your spawn, you vile Union leech! Test us and you'll see that the Droils do not make idle threats

Exen Droil IV, Warning knot

Confirmed Members

Possible Members and Associates
