"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Osso-by-the-Canal, or simply Osso, is a small yet prosperous city in the north. It is full of gardens and orchards which lie along the city’s eponymous body of water – the Twin Wind Canal. Osso produces some of Braided Shore’s most popular food items, such as olive oil, almonds, and cider. Much of its olive oil is produced by the pugnacious Droil clan. It is also home to the largest cider mill in Braided Shore – The Winne Cider Mill. [1]
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Places of Interest
Main Areas
Other Areas
Osso is known for its apples, pears, figs, almonds, and fruit ciders, and olive products. The Winne cider mill supplies ciders of different quality around Braided Shore. The Droil mercantile clan, descendants of Osso and Aliea Droil founders of Osso by the Canal, is blunt, pugnacious, and skeptical of Union authority.
Fatty and rich, this roll embodies all that is Osso. The bright notes of seasonal herbs, sweet fruit juices sometimes mixed into the dough, and always a splash of mature olive oil, deepening the flavour.
Any Ossoan Will tell you that the dates of Osso are the finest in all of braided shore. Considered a luxury ware by many, It would be rude to question whether these sugary fruits actually live up to their reputation.
These tasty, core-less marvels of horticulture have a touch of cinnamon to their flavour. Chances are these fabulous fruits originate from the gardens of the Blind Tree-keeper.
There is an old Ossoan saying, not to cry over spilled almond milk, and this sweetbread is the embodiment of that. Made with leftovers of the almond harvest, molded in the shape of a teardrop. A popular treat all over Braided Shore, originally from the gardens of Osso.
The soft, sweet fruit of the fig tree is a rare delicacy in the northern parts of the land. Generations of gardeners in Osso have so far been trying in vain to make a single fig tree bear fruit. The subject is so infected that eating figs in public in Osso by the canal is seen by many as a seditious act.
Droil Family of Osso
The first settler of Osso by the Canal is said to have been a man by the name of Osso Droil. At the time, the area around the canal was a thick forest and almost impossible to traverse. Lost in the forest, Osso discovered a secret grove where the most succulent olives grew in the wild. Together with his wife Aliea Droil, the two cut down an area of the forest around the olive grove and established the first orchard of Osso.
Send any more tax collectors around here and I'll curse your spawn, you vile Union leech! Test us and you'll see that the Droils do not make idle threats