Deliver a Curse stone Quest

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Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

NPCs Involved

  1. Knot Binder Ethel
  2. Fettered Maisu

The Quest

1) Starting the quest

Speak to Knot Binder Ethel who will request various spiritual items for her spells if you pass a +1Endeavour Symbol Social.png check.

How sweet of you to inquire...

Well between me and you, what I really need to grow my business are some powerful raw materials that I can dismantle and re-craft into more potent Knots.

Creatures like Maisu, kettem and shades often leave such items behind when they have been destroyed.

If it is in your power, I can promise you good trades for any such item that you bring me.

Thanks again for asking, my friend.

2) Curse stone

Obtain a Curse stone. There is only one way to obtain this item. You must find and defeat a Fettered Maisu, a rare NPC who spawns only in the Moon King's Well in The Jade Urn. You cannot obtain a Curse stone from other Maisu who you may encounter.

3) Return to Ethel

Exchange the Curse stone with Ethel for your reward. If you have triggered the quest item request and have an item in your inventory, you will not be able to trade with Ethel until you make the trade or have put the item in a pocket.

I have plenty of ideas for powerful magic items I can make using what you gave me! Wonderful!

This quest can be repeated.
