Breathing Technique

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Breathing Technique is a passive skill. Once the skill is memorized, it takes effect automatically until the skill is unmemorized. The skill will also automatically level as you continue to play the game. When it takes effect, you will often see a sentence "You feel the effect of Breathing Technique" appear at the bottom of the screen and when you unmemorize the skill, you will see the sentence "The effect of Breathing Technique fades." A Status Effect card will also appear in the upper lefthand corner of your screen

Item Description

These writings signed: ' A humble monk of the unknowing cloud' contains instructions on how to control your breathing to preserve your Stamina for longer.

Learned Skill Description

You have mastered a breathing technique that reduces your Stamina drain.

Status Effect Description

Breathing Technique

Your breath preserves Stamina. Increases your maximum Stamina


Similar Skills

See: Increasing Stamina