Worn wool knot weave

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Eilja & The Golden Goat

Once upon a time, there was a clever child named Eilja. Eilja was considered by the elders to be the brightest child in the village, and as such was tasked with shepherding The Golden Goat.
The Golden Goat was the wind-blessed treasure of the village, that in all other things was very poor. The goat had a pelt of solid gold and appeared not even grow old. By combing the goat and trading the meager strands of gold it yielded, the villagers could afford to trade for what they need just enough to stave off starvation when times were bad.
One day an impressively dressed merchant from a faraway city appeared and having heard tales of The Golden Goat, offered Eilja a large sum of gold for the goat. Carrying back in triumph the small fortune that now would ease the village's poverty, at Eilja's return to the village elders, the villagers grew pale and hid their faces in their hands.

For though you can chop down your orchard, trading the timber and the fruit to feed a village well for a season or two. New fruit cannot grow without trees.

