Template:Spoiler Panel

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This page is a candidate for deletion.
Reason: "Search of wiki returns that no pages use this obsolete template"
Editor Help Needed!
Weather-SadEmote.png The content below uses Template:Spoiler Panel, which is obsolete! If you can, do help replace using Template:CollapsibleStart and Template:CollapsibleEnd

Show/Hide Hidden information


This page is a candidate for deletion.
Reason: "Search of wiki returns that no pages use this obsolete template"
Template-info.svg Documentation
This template creates a spoiler panel, making a user click on it to reveal its content inside. It also serves as a toggle.
  1. uniqueID = Every spoiler panel needs a unique ID/name. If 2 Spoiler Panel uses the same ID in a page, they will clash.
  2. title = (optional, can be omitted). When omitted the title will be titled: "Show/Hide Hidden Information"
  3. 1 = Add in all your hidden info here.
{{Spoiler Panel
|uniqueID = 1
|title = Show/Hide stuff inside!
| Test text here!