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I've seen at least two Discord users request a guide for "optimal" reagent gathering locations. Eg, Dandelions in Bat Saha, Wind Dust in West Wind Shores, Acorn in Western Verve.
Keen to get people's thoughts on this. Would this make sense to have as a separate page called "Reagent Gathering Guide", or should this information be added to the existing Reagents page? Mossywalker (talk) 12:09, 5 March 2024 (UTC)

Hmmm, that's an interesting idea. I guess it depends on how many optimal areas there are per reagent? And how specific we are getting on location? Like is it just Wind Dust in West Wind Shores or is it by the cliff on those wind structures kind of thing? My feeling is if it's just general maps and we're doing one or two then on the reagent page is fine, if we're doing 3-4 and guides, we should maybe do it's own page a la the Seeing the dead page. Qiandaizi (talk) 14:19, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
Oh ps, what are the conditions for optimal conditions for Dandelions and other common reagents that grow pretty plentifully in many locations? Like I get it for something like Mirror ash. I just never think about acorns, yknow?Qiandaizi (talk) 14:26, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
  • This is exactly why I wanted to have this conversation - from what I've seen on the discord I think there's certainly some players who expect us to have everything perfectly mapped out and mathematically optimised. For example look at the amount of maths involved in pokemon shiny odds, where that fan community has calculated it down to 0.012%. Personally I just don't think that is feasible or justifiable for us to do, and I definitely do not expect us to go into this level of detail unless it's stated in game, for example stats on a skill card (unless of course, anyone is particularly interested in running numbers, in which case, feel free!).
  • So in this case I definitely do not expect us to be calculating "optimal" runs like 'amount of reagents gathered/per hour' or something.
  • Instead I see this idea much more along the lines of "Western Verve has a high concentration of Acorn trees", "West Wind Shores has between 0-3 piles of Wind Dust that spawn on the cliffs" so very much just general explanations. Of course as the game expands, we'll likely have two or more "good" areas to gather reagents on opposite ends of the map, so may want to consider that as well.
  • Also different types of players will use different types of reagents! I always need Acorns for Sprout Fruit Tree, this is why they're on my mind!!! There's a LOT that spawn in Western Verve, in very close proximity in a small map area, and they respawn very quickly. :) Mossywalker (talk) 16:22, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
Sorry for my denigration of acorns! :) Sounds good, maybe 2-3 areas where there are quite a few and they grow relatively close together? Also other question, do we include outmarks? Because obvi the Underbelly is particularly good for some rare ones. 100% agree I'm not interested completely optimizing and would not be good at it.Qiandaizi (talk) 16:41, 5 March 2024 (UTC)
  • That's a good thought about outmarks! I think in those cases I'd like us to list at least one non-spoiler location, and then also list the outmark using the collapsible template. We can then put a disclaimer above the entire list/guide saying that in some cases a location is marked as a spoiler and that we have listed an alternative for players who wish to avoid these.
  • I'll start mocking something up when time allows. I think ultimately I will put this as a separate page to avoid crowding the main Reagents one, and as this does feel like it's crossing the line into "Guides" territory :) Mossywalker (talk) 17:17, 5 March 2024 (UTC)