Shimo Baht Billows

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Very little is known about Shimo Baht Billows, but this page serves as a collection of the lore of the disks they carved.

Lore from Dialogue
Carved pear tree disk A carved wooden disk depicting an armoured woman, sword in hand, having just given birth to three children. Even though they are newborn, the children stand proudly on two legs in reverence of their mother. One child holds a paintbrush, one child holds a ribbon and another holds a carpenter's hammer.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.
Cypress disk A wooden disk carving made from cypress wood.
The illustration carved onto the disk is quite gruesome in its depiction of a battlefield. Frozen corpses litter the ground, covered in frigid night. A dawning light shines in on the battlefield, lead by a crescent-wielding woman flanked by legions of steadfast soldiers and a dark knight almost invisible in the shadow of the battle. The Four Winds have been carved, marching into battle on the side of the woman. The dawn woman and the dark knight stand opposite a terrible grinning being with the moon at its back.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.
Fig tree disk A fig-wood disk carved with menacing image.

A royal woman, exaggeratedly carved to appear pure and good is marrying a sorcerer. Next to the sorcerer is another man of similar height and build. Both men have the same unnerving grin plastered on their faces.
The other side of the disk shows a gathering of hooded men standing around the royal woman and influences her mind as she stamps something with a signet ring. The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Disk of foreign wood A marble-coloured disk carved from a specific species of tree that commonly grows in the Malku lands.

The carvings in the wood depict a great armada carrying a bloodthirsty army of giants. A nobly carved king stands on the bow of a ship facing the giants - he stands tall even though it seems he has been stabbed in the back with twelve sharp tools. The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Disk of olive tree wood An olivewood disk, completely smooth save for a carved illustration on one side. A man of importance, carved to appear noble and just, is pouring a bottle out onto the ground in front of a crowd of grateful citizens. In the man's other hand is a knotted ribbon.
A group of maisu and other wicked spirits can be seen scowling in the background as they watch the scene unfold.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.
Gilded walnut disk A walnut disk carved and covered in a thin layer of gold.

A magnificent, almost worshipful carving of a woman being crowned is illustrated in spectacular detail upon the disk. She sits on a throne above thousands of loyal subjects with a contingent of knights separating her from the crowd. One of her hands is tightly gripping a crescent at her side while the other clutches a bundle of crowns, all paling in comparison to hers.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Laurel tree disk A polished disk carved out of wood from the laurel shrub. The wood has been lacquered with a cobalt substance.

The carvings in the surface of the disk depict a sombre scene. It's midnight and two men are turning their backs on a graveyard with a great city in the background. One man is shown walking east and one is walking south. The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Oiled oak tree disk An oak tree disk most likely taken from a ship due to the fact that the wood has been impregnated with waterproofing riverroot oil.
Carved into its surface is a caricature of a Sah Basir cutting down two Asken folk. The point of view is that of a fourth person hiding in a fish barrel nearby. An inordinate amount of detail has been given to make the fish inside the barrel seem as disgusting as possible.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.
Ornate cypress disk This cypress disk depicts, in richly decorated detail, a course of events unfolding. Five shadows plot together, each of them holding a wicked shiv. Five battles follow in the carvings, each appearing to end in a decisive victory for a sixth character, and armoured woman with long hair flowing with the power of the Four Winds.

The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Plain disk of sulphur wood A flat disk depicting what you assume to be a historical event.

The carvings on the disk show a woman wearing wilted branches in her hair passing down an opulent crown to a small girl flanked by her parents. The mother's face has not been carved but the father's has a vague resemblance to the girl with twigs in her hair. There is a sad yet noble expression on the woman's face in contrast to the young girl's eyes which are bright and hopeful. Another man stands between the woman and the girl overseeing the transfer. Someone has added a snake's tongue to the middle man's mouth after the carving was already finished.
The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Rare silktree disk The carvings depict a woman crowned with leaves handing a radiant paintbrush down to a kneeling man wearing a flamboyant hat. Around the kneeling man lay an assortment of chisels, instruments, and brushes. The woman's face is carved with a kind innocent expression while the kneeling man has a hidden wicked grin.

The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.

Walnut tree disk A sturdy wooden disk carved to show a scene.
A girl kneels in front of a pavilion, the four Winds hovering a crescent blade in front of her, beckoning her to take it. The pavilion is surrounded by rich grass and flowers while at the girl's back is a barren cliff face. The mark of famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.
Disk of cedar tree A cedar tree disk with a strange pattern carved into its surface. Three horizontal lines have been carved across the disk's surface with notches in each of the spaces between the lines. In the first space is a single notch followed by three in the second, followed by one again and three in the last one. The mark or famous woodcarver and historian Shimo Baht Billows has been carved into the rim of the disk.