Shade Crowd

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
MS Shades.png

The Shade Crowd appears in Mountain's Secret at any time. But their position and behaviour are determined by the other events active in the area.

The Pale Witch

If The Pale Witch is at the spring in the middle of Mountain's Secret, there will be Hostile Shades in the chamber by the Mechanics Door, in the middle of the area, the Shades will be seated and non-Hostile.

Rivenleaf University Researchers

If the Rivenleaf University Researchers are present, the Shades will be Hostile and will be located by the Spring and the Physical Entrance.


The Shade Crowd will always drop: 1 Shade resin and 1 random item of the following

1 Pot of smoke
