Melicamp's Last Knot

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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Skill N Melicamp's Last Knot Medium.png

Melicamp's Last Knot is an unusual spell as unbinding it may cause one of a number of skills.

Unbinding the Melicamp's Last Knot will show a number of white curlicues. Regardless of the spell that the knot triggers, you will see the narration "You feel the effect of the Melicamp's Last Knot."

Known skills that Melicamp's Last Knot can trigger:

Item Description

Pulling open this unpredictable Knot will cast a spell with unforeseeable effects.

Learnt Skill Description

This deliberately unpredictable spell will produce a random effect every time it's cast.

Status Effect Descriptions

  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Ardent Lantern
    A mystical light follows you.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Your form is blurred and you are harder to detect.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Cinnobar Guise
    You are clothed in cinnabar colour.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Cobalt Guise
    You are clothed in cobalt colour.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Flag Raiser's Bind
    You stand tall to see in the distance.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Flower Mark
    Your increased charm now grants you better deals.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Port of the Dog
    You are a dog.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Port of the Goat
    You are a goat.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Reveal Day Cycle
    The passing of time is revealed to you.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Sulfur Guise
    You are clothed in sulfur colour.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    Spirit Invitation:Deer
    You travel in the company of a spirit deer.
  • Melicamp's Last Knot
    You are invisible to others.
