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The Draisine is a two person mode of transportation that travels along old train tracks throughout the Braided Shore.

Two Travellers are actively pumping the lever on the Draisine to move them along the train tracks in the wilderness as a lamp shines onto them.

A developmental sketch of the Draisine (a hand car), depicting two Travellers actively pumping the lever to make it move along the train tracks.
Use old train tracks and work together to transport your fellow Travellers through the wild. Taken from the Book of Travels Kickstarter page.

Draisine description from a Steam update

Draisines are small carts that require two people to lever them across tracks. We don’t expect draisines to be any use in closing distances since they cover a small area. But if you’d like to meet with a friend and spend a little time spending some energy on a metaphorical mini journey of friendship, these might be the wheels for you. Funded by one of our Kickstarter stretch goals, we are looking forward to finding out how players engage with their draisine mini-travels when early access comes this summer.


  • The Draisine was the third stretch goal featured on the Book of Travels Kickstarter Campaign, and was reached for $120,000 in pledges.
  • The Draisine most resembles a real world handcart.