Day/Night Cycle

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Time in Book of Travels follows a 24-hour cycle, with the borders of periods shifting during the year. Many NPCs or events are only available at certain times of day, on certain days of the week, a combination of the two.

Each region of servers shares a common timezone; by opening the debugging menu, you can see the current server time in 24-hour format, as well as what period of the day it is. Note that during Chapter Zero, the seasons may not be what you expect (e.g., "Winter" has lasted from at least February to August of 2023). It is also not yet clear whether or how server times will change based on daylight savings.

Day/Night Cycle by Season

Season Dates Dawn Day Dusk Night
Spring Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Summer Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Fall Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Winter Unknown 7:00 to 10:00

(7am to 10am)

10:00 to 18:30

(10am to 6:30pm)

18:30 to 19:30

(6:30pm to 7:30pm)

19:30 to 7:00

(7:30pm to 7am)

Server Time by Region

Region Server Time
Asia UTC +7
Europe UTC -1
US-East UTC -4
US-West UTC -9