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Gleaner-AmazedEmote.png "Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Take note, Khelim!
Spoiler frog.png This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.

Notable Bandits

  • Lieutenant Arana


  • Assassin
  • Bandit
  • Bandit Gang Member
  • Bandit Guard
  • Bandit Leader
  • Bouncer
  • Cattle Thief
  • Cobalt Ribbon Gang Member
  • Cobalt Ribbon Robbers
  • Deserter
  • Fence
  • Gang Member
  • Goon
  • Law Bender
  • Lawless
  • Lookout
  • Looter
  • Machine Thief
  • Pirate
  • Pirate Lord
  • Ruffian
  • Smuggler Chief
  • Tabac Toe
  • Tabac Toe Bandit
  • Thug
  • Underhand Smuggler
  • Villain



Got my eyes on you

If you take me on
you take us all on

Never seen a Bandit before?

Good day, Nomad.

Take your eyes off me, Nomad

Back off, wanderer!

Eyes front, drifter!

Eyes front, Nomad.

Watch you back, wanderer
I will

Better a bandit than a labourer, that's how it was

Hello, Nomad

Walk on by

One swift cut
is all it would take

I can smell you from here, Nomad

Any valuables, friend?

We are never alone

Do not tempt us Nomad

You will do well to walk away

Anything worth taking, wanderer

Do not provoke me

Takes courage to brush by a bandit, wanderer

One sudden move is all it takes

This weapon is not for show, wanderer

When bandits rule the sun sets, so it is

I'm always on the lookout for good pickings

Don't let your shadow fall on me, Nomad

A swift kick is all it takes!

A quick stab is all it would take!

Draw a sword, and we'll see
how it goes, nomad

One sudden move is all it takes

Keep your eyes to yourself, Nomad

Sleep with one eye open tonight, wanderer

I can see you well enough from here, wanderer

This weapon is not for show, wanderer

Wander on by, Nomad, Wander on by

My other friends are never far

Counted your shadows lately

No treasures, no trouble

Is that the jingle of trinkets I hear?


Good morning, Nomad.

It's too early for... It's just too early

Morning shadows are no good for hiding


Evening, Nomad.


Looking for a fight?

Think again, villager!

What have
we here?

Keep your eyes
to yourself!

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