A finely-knotted piece of writing

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ItemIcon TradeGood MessageKnot 75 Medium.png

On Mystic Knots, by Steuew the Younger

The Single Knot - The most common, least complicated configuration. Like all magic Knots, it's power comes from the combination of the binding of the knot shape, it's reagent(s) and the speaking of the words of power that relates to the magic effect attempted. Knot, reagent and word are part of all magic Knots, the more powerful the Knot, the more intricate and potent the requirements.

The Two-folded Knot - A reinforced double design where one Knot feeds the one entwined with it, creating a lingering effect. It takes masters to make these and a ritual must be performed but the effect depending on the skill of the mystic can stretch from weeks to near infinity.

The Open Knot - A reactive Knot that can absorb, or react to outside forces and use those forces to power itself. There are versions of this Knot where the open Knot is tied surrounding a particular reagent, material or precious stone to amplify the magic of the Knot.

Double-banded Knot - A more powerful, more intricate version of the single Knot. The basic concept is the tying of the same Knot several times to multiply its original effect.
