Street Gang

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  • Street Gang Boy
  • Street Gang Girl
  • Street Kidx2
  • Street-wise Youth


Street Gang Boy Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with Street Gang Boy the first time Have you grown wise on how to recognize members of our gang yet, Traveller?
When you speak with Street Gang Boy the second time

Street Gang Girl Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with Street Gang Girl the first time A few gullible merchants visiting today...I'll mark them down for the gang to keep an eye on.
When you speak with Street Gang Girl the second time I'm quicker than all the boys in the gang! No one can catch me...If I don't want to...

Street Kid Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with Street Kid the first time The gang is our family. Our parents care more for business!
When you speak with Street Kid the second time How is it going, Khelim?
When you speak with Street Kid the first time Can you spot a sucker yet? Look down a well!

Street-wise Youth Dialogue

Dialogue conditions Dialogue
When you speak with them the first time No way someone fresh off the boat like you can see all the angles...But don't worry...Me and the gang can help you out with that, see. First you got to be able to see what 'customer' is a hard-case to avoid and who is a potential sucker. That takes experience, I guess, not something that can be taught...You just have to live the life I guess. But to sell dearly and trade in for cheap is at the core of making it rich. The trick is to sell to folk who can't tell when they're being suckered. There is also 'pinch and peddle', which might suit a wandering type like yourself...The gang does a lot of that, collecting all manner of stuff, dropped, unattended or carelessly unguarded. We pinch it and we sell it off in a flash for valuables that can't be recognized. I bet you find all manner of things on your journey that you and as another Bat Saha saying goes: 'Anything is worth something to someone, in Bat Saha'. Now you'll have to excuse me...I have to check up on the littlest ones and make sure they have not gotten themselves in too much trouble. Whistle if you need another pointer!
When you speak with them the second time How are you making out on our streets, Khelim? We'll be keeping an eye on you, Dandelion... Whistle if you need another pointer!