Keen eye
"Sefra's Winds, this article is incomplete! Maybe you can fill the gaps if you have an idea from your travels, Sehm."
Keen eye is a passive skill. Once the skill is memorized, it takes effect automatically until the skill is unmemorized. The skill will also automatically level as you continue to play the game. When it takes effect, you will often see a sentence "You feel the effect of Keen eye appear at the bottom of the screen and when you unmemorize the skill, you will see the sentence "The effect of Keen eye fades." Or you will see a status effect appear in the upper lefthand corner of your screen
Item Description
I am loath to see the young of our proud city suffer at the cold hand of a cruel fate. Here is knowledge to aid you in finding glimmers of happiness.
Learnt Skill Description
Your sharp eyesight enables you to see collectibles glimmer around you more often.
Status Effect Description
The shimmer that reveals the location of a loot container shines more often for you.
The Deeplander will give you this skill if you speak to her during the Learning Vellan quest