Game Update - November 8, 2022
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- Fixed stuttering in Main Menu camera movement
- Fix for initiating combat
- Fixed issue where an NPC would give the player unlimited item duplicates
- Improved usability of screenshot section of the feedback menu
- Fixed a bug that caused map notes to not appear when pressing the note button in the map screen
- Fix to arrow marker so it no longer rises up when navigating with keyboard. Arrow marker will now disappear when clicking underneath the player's feet
- Fixed several places where you could walk through objects
- Players in Mist Keeper's Toe can now see themselves on the world map
- Fixes to occlusion culling in various areas
- Objects will now fade faster when camera is too close and when a player is behind objects
- Fix to reduce memory consumption over time
- Tricks of the Messenger will now be more accurate when walking on roads
- You can now zoom in and out with the camera again
- You can no longer offer items when there are no items in the offering window.
- Inventory will now be saved after making an offering.
- Fix to floating item icon at offering shrine when leaving.
- Fix to blurry clothing.
- Items added to the trade window will now always have the same value as the UI tells us.
- Fix for UI becoming stuck in front of some shrines.
- Various Text changes.
- Various performance tweaks.
- Minor engine upgrade to Unity version 2021.3.10 (previously 2021.3.3)
- Minor Text Changes on some Poems and new messaging around boarding vehicles
- New Server system first trial using smaller "Headless Build" creation
- Added Rich Presence for Steam and Discord
- Improved performance of level prop visual fading
- New Vehicle UX for boarding and resting whilst travelling
- Players can now look at their map and inventory without accidentally triggering jumping off of the train
- Vehicle smoke now varies based on whether a train is stopped, accelerating, decelerating, or moving at full speed
- Station masters and boat hands on train platforms and docks now announce upcoming vehicle departures
- Newly added boats horns announce when a boat will depart soon
- Players now rest while riding trains and boats
- There are consequences for players who choose to ride boats in storms and jump off of trains
- The vehicle departure progress bar has been removed
- There are updates to how vehicles are implemented overall, that should result in a reduced number of disappearing and stuck trains
- Updated several map names.
- Added a unique description for every "Trade Good" item (around 800)
- Added a unique description for every "Shoe Equipment" item
- Proofread and polished in-game dialogue.
- Change to the way roads are handled – this will not yet be apparent to players but will allow more accurate road usage in the future.
- Keys in the Control Settings will now change based on your keyboard layout.
- The NPC “Resna” will now value Knot of Thankful Wishes to same price even when traded.
Might and Delight. (2022, November 8). Book of Travels - Live Update 0.22.5 Change List - Steam News.