Game Update - March 8, 2022

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  • Combat rule change: The attack counter now counts up even when defending. This solves the previously broken dynamic where a large number of weak NPCs could overpower a strong player, and that a player could defeat any single enemy by spamming attacks.
  • Solved more cases of faulty positioning in combat (mostly attacking when too far away from the opponent).
  • Visual tweak: Characters now rotate faster towards each other when putting their hands on their swords before combat.
  • Solved various triggers for the player exiting the hand on sword animation while still in the hand on sword action.


  • Several issues with remote player movement solved (Server desync of other players moving around in the world).

UI & Interactions

  • Fixed a bug that caused the top half of a players emotes to disappear.
  • A merchant's inventory will no longer be sorted after moving items to and from the receive box. The player can sort manually through the filter buttons.
  • A merchant's inventory will stay on the same page when moving items to and from the receive box.
  • Fixed a bug in the trade screen where trading an item you have duplicates of would always trade away the first instance of that item in your inventory. Trading should now always take the correct items from your inventory.
  • Fixed various trade bugs that caused duplicate items to behave strangely in the trader's inventory. (Ex. clicking one item would remove all items with the same name from the trader's inventory, and other bugs.)
  • Fixed a bug that caused stacked items in trade to appear invisible after shift-clicking them.
  • Fixed issues in trade where Shift or Ctrl-clicking stacks of items would trigger the "Cancel Trade" prompt.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the item ‘Willow nut’ item to not have a description and disappear from the players inventory after logging out.
  • Eating from your inventory should now decrease the amount of a stacked item visually.
  • Fixed a bug that caused life petals to not show when regained by an endeavour.
  • For the skill ‘Flaring Crescent’, the spawned weapon now has a proper item icon in the inventory screen.
  • Fixed correct display of weekday in the debug menu.


  • Teapots no longer disappear when entering a level by boat.
  • Fixed cases where NPCs interactions and dialogues did not switch properly from night to day.


  • The skill 'Flaring Crescent' is no longer available when the users inventory is full, since this would remove the currently equipped main hand item from the users inventory.
  • Improved server synchronization for the passive skill 'Tricks of the Messenger'.
  • Fixed some incorrect skill restrictions, like 'Hide in Water' requiring you to be on a road.


  • Fixed a but that caused the weather audio to keep playing after logging out.


Might and Delight. (2022, March 8). Book of Travels - March 8 Patch Notes (v.0.18.240222.31946) - Steam News.