Game Update - December 13, 2021

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  • If the player is given an item as part of an interaction, a prompt will now tell them if their inventory is full and therefore could not receive the item.


  • Fixed various issues with Achievements not triggering correctly.
  • Events that spawn on specific days now spawn according to local time instead of according to the UTC time zone.
  • A case of some day time dependent events appearing or not appearing at the right time of day solved (i.e., some night events not appearing at night and so on).
  • The Carpet Seller in Bat Saha no longer sells the skill ‘Knot of the Infamous’.
  • Knot of the Infamous now has the correct name and description.
  • Occasionally getting stuck when changing levels on a train solved (this fix also solved some overshooting when stopping for trains).
  • Fixed a bug that caused the HUD to disappear when spamming the HUD buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused swapping places of items to duplicate the favorite icon on both items.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the favorite icon to be displayed on pocketed items that were not favorited.
  • Toggling the hood now matches the animation.
  • Conjure Flowers now works on the correct terrain type.


Might and Delight. (2021, December 13). Book of Travels - Dec. 13 Patch Notes (v.0.17.101221.31582) - Steam News.