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The Deeplander is not interactable unless you have a related quest item.

At night she is in the small cave on the Sahan Coastline. During the day she wanders the area around the cave - including to the North-East forested area, or the rocky cliff directly North of the cave. At all times she can be heard singing.

Spoiler Alert

Take note, Khelim! This page contains SPOILERS from Book of Travels.



The Deeplander will give you this skill if you speak to her during the Learning Vellan quest


Dialogue conditions Dialogue
Upon first interaction with a Temple keeper's blossom in your inventory: I see you have been given a Temple Keepers' Blossom, Wanderer. I find it a chore to banter with strangers, but with you I will gladly speak for a moment...You might have already noticed reagents in nature along your Travels. Gathering them requires a keen eye, knowledge of where to search, and patience. I can teach your eye to spot Reagents needed for magical purposes. Magic brews and spell-Knots use many of the same Reagents.Jade algae grows in streams and lakes for instance, while Dandelion can be found on sub-soaked meadows. Knots are not only used for binding spells. Knots are also the traditional written form of the Vellan Language. Learning it can be costly, but I know of a teacher that might help you for free. However he is very strict. He has a house in the upper city...Look for a scholar wearing a yellow coat, And oh! Remember to greet him in the old fashion, by sitting down, or he will most likely ignore you.
Upon additional interaction with a Temple keeper's blossom in your inventory: Once more we meet, Khelim...Sea shells can be found in lakes, streams and on the seashore.Alken powder can be found close to townhouses. Driftwood dust can only be found on or near the open sea. The rare silkflower will only bloom in enchanted places. By the by, have you visited the Knot examiner in Bat Saha yet? You should learn how to read Knots if you want to be able to study any type of lore, be it mystic or otherwise.
Passing the Deeplander knot message to her. Is that message for me? I think I recognise the Knotcraft. You have done me good service, Wanderer. Please accept this gift as thanks... It is from my homelands, and it has served me long and well... I hope our roads will meet in the deeplands sometime yonder.


My baby daughter's moccasin tap taps,
the rhythm of my happy heart.

Stare through an Abat's eye, see the vastness of the Unwound. Listen to an Abat's wings, hear the knowledge of the ages. Eat an Abat's egg, taste the wisdom of the original riddle.